··························· Once you start being yourself you can't stop ------ LXL ------ Una vez empiezas a ser tu mismo ya no puedes parar ·······

What's a pileup in amateur radio

 Imagine multiple stations transmitting at the same time and on the same frequency trying to contact a "rare"  long distance station (DX).  This creates a “pileup” of signals producing QRM (noise) as each operator attempts to be called back by the DX station, who picks out one call sign—maybe the loudest or the clearest or the luckiest—and makes a short contact, most likely a simple exchange of signal reports. Then the pileup starts again. Source ON All Bands.

Image credit Sharkmob.com

Pileups can be huge random events, and if you keep listening and carefully calling, you'll likely get through. It may be on the first or second call, or it could take a half hour of calling. Don't get discouraged. And remember, despite your best efforts, some DX will get away. Propagation will change, or the station will switch bands or modes, or may even QRT. You have no control over that, so don't worry about it. Importantly - don't let it affect your performance.

Careful listening makes a big difference. It will tell you where to transmit, and when.

 Source HK3C

Transmitting Barefoot

 In the ham radio operator's jargon "barefoot" means transmitting without the aid of a linear amplifier and just the output power of the transceiver. #HamRadioJargon

In Ham-speak, the word “barefoot” has nothing to do with going shoeless in the shack. It means transmitting without the aid of an amplifier. When the topic of amps versus no amps is brought up, operators often divide themselves into opposing camps: those who amp up to help them bust through the  pileups and those who go barefoot, hoping to get lucky when faced with louder signals or eventually get called through perseverance and use of a solid rig and multi-element Yagi .

SOURCE:On All Bands

Image credit to Shai Daniel @ ArtStation
Most HF transceivers do have an output power of say 100 watts!!

 For myself it's an XpeciaL challenge to transmit barefoot with my MLA antenna (Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop) and my Icom 7300 and make a DX thru the pileup.

Ionosphere And The Magic Of Radio

 Once the radio waves go out of a radio transceiver, they can go a short way to a home nearby or a hundred miles apart, or due to radio propagation they can travel around the globe, but how can this be, if the globe is round and waves would be lost further the horizon.

Image source iStock via blog Lenovo
 Well radio waves journey can go straight up to the atmosphere and there meet the beauty of one of her layers, the ionosphere, who acts as a mirror due to the ions provided by the sun, kiss her goodbye and come back to earth a thousand miles apart from their origin.

Learn more: The Effects of Earth's Upper Atmosphere on Radio Signals

my grandmother was a chimpanzee

I'm not talking about my mother's mother.
   Like it or not, we are members of a large and particularly noisy family called the great apes. Our closest living relatives include chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans. The chimpanzees are the closest. Just 6 million years ago, a single female ape had two daughters. One became the ancestor of all chimpanzees, the other is our own grandmother !!
Source: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Image source pinterest

Or do you still believe in Adam & Eve?

slash or stroke good to know

Yo ham radio operators and SWL enthusiasts out there.
 When transmitting in a visited country the licence holder must use his national call sign preceded by the call sign prefix of the visited country. The call sign prefix and the national call sign must be separated by the character "/" in CW or the word "stroke" (phone).

    So if I (EA6VY) was visitting Australia, my callsign would be VK/EA6VY (Victor Kilo "Stroke" Echo Alfa 6 Victor Yankee)!!
Image via ArtStation by Vuk Banovic
For a mobile amateur radio station the national call sign must be followed by the characters
"/M" (telegraphy) or the word "mobile" (telephony). For a portable amateur radio station the national call sign must be followed by the characters "/P" (telegraphy) or the word "portable" (telephony)." 

Source: Elecraft Ham

Amateur Radio Europe

Retomo el pulso del blog, promoviendo la visita de una web interesante y altamente recomendable en el mundo nuestro de la radio afición.
 Promoting Amateur Radio in Europe

Highly HamRadio web recommended.
Image By Renato Abati

Approaching You

Un servidor de ustedes - Yours truly, messing da beatZ.

LuisXL a.k.a. LXLunderground

WARNING: Music Junkie ahead, NOT a pro DJ or Producer !!



"The music mixed and featured is for promotional purposes only and not for commercial use. Copyrights are fully owned by the artists and/or record label/publishers. Please support their hard work by purchasing their music at

Twitter https://twitter.com/luisXLmartin
Weblog http://www.luisxl.com/
Mixlr http://mixlr.com/lxl-underground/
FB Techno Mads Founder https://www.facebook.com/groups/technomadsunited/
Virtual DJ http://radio.virtualdj.com/forum/profile/LuisXL/

Allá vamos Twitter · Twitter here we go

Ha pasado algún tiempo desde que abandoné twitter, pero ahí vamos otra vez.

It's been a while since I last abandoned twitter. So here we go again

Image by Mars @ ArtStation
 Feel free to follow me but I'm lost ······ Sigueme si quieres pero te advierto que estoy perdido! 


tatuado de por vida

Tengo un amigo que dice que el tatuaje que luce sobre su cuerpo, será lo unico que se lleve a la tumba. Aunque si no quieres, no tiene porqué ser así. En la actualidad existen tecnicas para "borrar" tatuajes, si te cansas de ellos, o pierden el significado que para ti  tenian en un principio.
   Imáginate llevar tatuado el nombre de tu pareja -que te abandonó para irse con tu mejor amigo- toda la vida. Así es que, piensa bien qué te tatuas.
Image source Inez Janiak
El origen del tatuaje se remonta tan lejos como la prehistoria, de hecho se han encontrado herramientas de tatuaje en francia, Portugal y paises Escandinavos a las que se le atribuyen 12,000 años de antiguedad. luego los tatuajes siempre han sido parte de la humanidad desde sus comienzos.
 El curioso record como persona más tatuada lo ostenta Gregory Paul McLaren que tiene el 100 % de su anatomía tatuada!!
 Yo he decicido tatuarme tambien, el culo.

Images source: Inked 4 life (Pinterest)

Facebook Soledad y Depresión

Te sientes solo y deprimido, tal vez sea por tu adicción a Facebook y las redes sociales.
Según un estudio reciente de la Universidad de Pennsylvania, realizado por un grupo de psicólogos, hay una estrecha relación entre el uso de las redes sociales y la depresión así mismo como el sentimiento de soledad
                                               Image source: christophe segura @ ArtStation

Durante el estudio, se controló un grupo de 143 estudiantes  durante varias semanas, se analizo su sensación de sentirse bien así como su  estado de humor. La mitad de individuos hizo uso normal  de las redes mientras que la otra mitad redujo su utilización a 10 minutos por día para sitios como Facebook, Instagram y Snapchat.
Aquellos que redujeron el uso de dichas redes, tuvieron un descenso considerable en sus estados de depresión y soledad, mientras que el grupo de control no tuvo reducción alguna.

 Y es que todo en las redes es maravilloso, tus "amigos" siempre se lo están pasando bien, comen langosta, beben Champagne están de crucero o en las piramides de New York, son super extra mega felices.  Y tu acabas de salir de trabajar, sudoroso y oliendo a montuno. Como no te vas a deprimir...
Fuente: MSN